Sunday, January 1, 2012

Off most meds for Lupus?

I was officially diagnosed in 2001 with Lupus by a rheumatologst based on a high ANA titer, joint pain, rash, hair loss and other symptoms. Now my primary care doctor is doubting my lupus diagnosis because my blood work isn't showing signs of inflammation even though I am dealing with chostochondritis, joint pain, hair loss, photosensitivity, malar rash, extreme fatigue, depression, brain fog, myofascial pain and other symptoms. Because of my blood work, her and my rheumatologist have taken me off of plaquenil and methotrexate, are tapering my prednisone to 0 and just have me on a multitude of depression meds and celebrex and have sent me to a chiropractor. As the prednisone comes down the pain gets worse but they say since my bloodwork shows no signs of inflammation that it isn't due to the lupus and that the prednisone is not doing anything, it is just something else. I've been on plaquenil since 2001 and generally my lupus has been stable except for the past 2 years. They also added MTX about 18mths ago which helped with my joint pain immensly but because I am still having other symptoms they feel the meds are not working and it is safer for me to be off of all meds. I think this is a huge mistake but have any of you been through this. I made an apt with a Lupus specialist in NYC to get a second opinion because I can't take the pain and fatigue. Am I overeacting to this change? Has anyone been taken off all meds even though symptoms are present and are getting worse?

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