Tuesday, January 10, 2012
What would be enough "justice" in the eyes of the Black community?
Several of my cousins are American indian and white, I have a god daughter that is white and African, I have a god son that is White and mexican,hurt my babies I will stomp your head. My own kids are a mix of me and their father who is greek. I have family that is cheyenne, on my moms side I look just like my mom except for being blonde haired and blue eyed . The point here is I have never been mistreated or left out because of the vast diversities in our family and no one has, we are becoming to diversified in American culture to say we are just one or maybe two races in our blood. We should treat people as such as equals, however the respect stops when it becomes a one way street,and racism is not just limited to the white race. Nobody left alive was forced to pick cotton , Nobody left alive was traded from and african tribe, Nobody left alive had a slave , traded a slave or owns a slave. No body left alive has had land stolen by army's or is stealing it with an army .So nobody alive should be complaining about the past , it has been noted , It was wrong. Moving on .
Harvest Moon IoH : I don't know if I can get Pierre back!?
I was concentrating on trying to breeze through my pregnant stage that I was forgetting to talk to two houses of people, Regis + Sabrina and Pierre. I've been working on getting Pierre and Natalie Married for a while and now that he left the Island I don't know what to do. When will he come back? Will he stay permanently when he does come back? Oh and he left on the 3rd year in winter (around the 20th) Please help me! :'(
Cute clothes ideas!!!!!!!?
i am seriously annoyed with all my friends looking cute and me looking like a slouch can u just show me some cute outfits or something cuz i hate how i look!
Parkinsons disease effects on other body systems?
hello if anyone can help me i'd really appreciate it. i am wondering if you have seen any significance to decreased activity in other body systems with patients having a dx of parkinson's. i read in this journal a href="http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1766335" rel="nofollow"http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/article…/a that pulmonary abnormalities ensue d/t parkinson's patients...but i am unsure as to why. can you please explain any findings you have experienced as a clinician on the effects of the disease in a nutritional manner too? anything will help me :)
What is wrong with my pool pump/filter?
You probably need to clean your filter. You don't mention what kind of filter it is. The steps are different for each kind of filter. But I do know the longest it will take you is about 4 hours if you have all the parts before hand AND a couple of things go wrong. They are not that hard to clean. Just do a little research and you will be fine.
What is the title of the Shark book chief brody reads in Jaws?
as he's looking at it his wife comes in, freaks out from looking at it, and yells at the kids to get out of the boat.
Please help all sports people!!!!!!!?
I wish I could help you more than just one thing, but try working out everyday and lifting weights. When you feel as though those weights are too easy, move on to stronger, heavier weights. Just gradually increase the weights.
How should I reply to her text?
send a winky face and tell her to just wait ;-) this way she knows its not bad ..and it would almost be better if you took her to dinner or something (makes it more romantic)...its so much better to communicate so u can hear her voice and begin a new chapter of your guys new relationship! good luck.
Wanna start singing please help me out?
TL;DR singing doesn't make money honey. a href="http://singingtipsblog.com/" rel="nofollow"http://singingtipsblog.com//a
When will we FINALLY ban guns? How many more genocides need to happen?
I am Australian and I can attest to the effectiveness of good gun control. There are very few firearm related deaths in Australia. Break and enters are significantly less violent despite what conservative Americans think. When a criminal breaks into a house in Australia he isn't worried that there is a redneck nutcase with an M16 waiting around the corner for him so he brings a knife or no weapon at all and since most people have home and contents insurance it is a relatively uneventful although somewhat traumatic event emotionally. In America it turns into a shoot out usually resulting in family members dying and more often than not the offender escaping anyway. The police are well armed and you can expect a swift and deadly response from our police force in the event a firearm is found to be being used. As a member of the military I can say that seeing American civilians playing with ault weapons is one of the most frustrating things I have seen. The vast majority of them have no idea what they are doing nor do they understand the effect these weapons have or any respect for proper weapon safety. They regard the safety on and not pointing it at someone as satisfactory. They don't properly clear the chambers of their weapons and they regard shooting as "fun" and "recreation". Shooting is about killing it is not fun, it is a necessity of the world we live in that I wish was not the case.
Please somebody explain how anybody can call Roy Jones Jr overrated or a ducker?
Roy Jones Jr. was freakishly physically gifted, but his gifts did somewhat curse his career. When you have a fighter dominating so many other fighters in multiple weight cles, people tend to start calling them cherry-pickers and duckers. I think in part Jones Jr. did fight in an era in which the talent pool he faced wasn't as deep as, say, the welterweight division today. Rocky Marciano was actually plagued by the same problem during his active fighting years, but history has looked upon him kindly as I believe it will Roy Jones. I dont think he has helped his legacy in recent years, but I always believed he should have retired after beating John Ruiz for the heavyweight title. Signing with a big promoter instead of going about the business on his own could have probably built up his accomplishments a lot more as well. There are always going to be arguments against Roy Jones' wins.... Jeff Lacy was ped his prime, B-Hop was still un-polished, Ruiz was a paper champ. I dont buy it. RJ was a great fighter/entertainer and has numerous accomplishments that no one should try to take away from him...especially people that don't know what it is like to step in the ring with any of the guys RJ did. If a legendary fighter like Sugar Ray Leonard were to say Jones was a cherry-picker or ducker, then maybe I would buy the argument. But all of Roy Jones Jr's peers respect his accomplishments as boxing fans should. Fans never realize that they are witnessing something truely special until it is gone. Also, I don't think Roy Jones had a suspect chin. There were times in his career when he wore some good shots to the chin like a champ. I just think that the Tarver KO was the type of punch that changes a fighter. When you add that to an aging body and diminishing reflexes... well we now see the effects. If Jones had been caught by Tarver's shot 10yrs earlier in his career he probably could have recovered a little bit better.
Juvenile parkinsonism?
At night sometimes I get spasms, they only last a few seconds and they're not bad or anything; just before I have it, I see the ground, and then it's almost as if I'm falling onto the ground, it kind of feels like I'm lifting my knees up. It's hard to explain. Anyway, my mum was watching a tv programme about dreams, and it was talking about REM sleep disorder, and how it can involve spasms, and also how it can be a symptom of Parkinson's disease. My grandfather had parkinson's for ten years, it was horrible, he got worse day by day by day, in the end he couldn't even open his mouth or walk, or move from his chair without istance from two carers. I'm thirteen and probably being really paranoid but is there a chance I have juvenile parkinsonism? I just need to know, I get extremely worried, it's silly really.
My firefox browser keep showing " proxy server not found", how to fix it?
my laptop wireless network connection works fine and can auto connect once it detects any unsecured network. From the "tools", "option", and "network connection setting" of Firefox, I configure it to "auto detect proxy server for this network". When I switch to IE browser, it has the same problem of " proxy server not found". A few months ago, I did the networking between my laptop and my house computer by myself. I wonder if it has something to do with the problem I am facing now. Please help me.....
In MTG, Can I play Veteran's Reflexes to have a creature attack twice?
I attack with a creature, let the attack damage resolve then play Veteran's Relfexes to untap and have it attack again?
Please help me with a common problem?
God created your body to function exactly as you are using it. Think about it; clearly is meant to feel good, otherwise he would have invented a different method, and masturbation is simply a man's way of ridding his body of excess ual tension - 100% perfectly natural in God's eyes no matter what anybody says. Please don't let religious people guilt you into believing that it isn't. If you weren't meant to touch it, he would have put in somewhere else! :-D
Did you take a childbirth cl?
I took a cl before the birth of my first. Instead of the weekly or biweekly one hubby and I did the one that is like 8 hours on Saturday. I also read EVERY pregnancy book known to man. Hours on the internet with google, webmd, babycenter, etc, btw that was daily too. I was a little neuritic to say the least. Of course, with all that knowledge in my head i still went to hospital too early and was sent home because I came too soon (3 days!)
Is it my cables...i really need to know?
ok im using reg. rca cables and i can hear the music comein out of my speaker but its very soft...and all i can really hear is static...i just want to know if i really need to get the digital cable...cause on the back of my tv it says coax(digital audio out) so do i need to get a digital cable...and on the back of my system it just aux in...if u can any help will be helpful...thanks in advance
Any home schooled scholars out there on Yahoo! ?
Or out there period. I'm a home schooler out there myself. So if there is home schooled kids/teens out there what do y'all like? What do you wear? What are your personalities? All the homeschoolers that I know are REALLY nerdy! Would you (being a homeschooler) consider yourself being nerdy?
The dealership overfilled my 08 subaru legacy with oil, what can go wrong?
To be more precise they never took the old oil out of the car. they changed the oil filter, and added 5 more quarts. so my car had an extra gallon of oil. I started the car and smelled the oil. I just umed they dropped some oil on the engine and it needed to burn off. I made it five miles down the road and smoke came out of every part of the engine. I called the dealership and was told that it was fine to just drive. I took it back and demanded they check it. on the way back the car was sputtering, stalling, and smoking. they confirmed that they never took the old oil out of the car but are insisting it is fine. what do I need to worry about. I don't trust the dealership at all. they even wanted me to take it home saying they did not have time to fix it that day. I refused to take the car, and they are redoing the oil change I am just worried that they just killed the life of my engine. The engine is a boxer engine with only 10k on it.
FAQ's are useless and there is no option I can find for asking yahoo for help, what can I do?
I can login to my account but it will not allow me to go to my inbox, my other yahoo account works fine on the same computer.
Converting WMA To MP3?
You can just drag the wma's to itunes and it will convert them to aac or mp3 automatically. Or you can search mp3 converter on google.
What should I do to get stronger and faster for next year.?
I'm currently a sopre and next year going to be a junior. I a defensive end. I'm 6'0 182 pounds. During the football season I didn't lift much, so I'm basically back to square 1. I desperately need to get stronger and faster. My defensive end coach told me I need to get faster, and my head coach told me to get stronger and not worry about speed. I'm so confused. I'm trying to lift every day and I'm using a protein powder called pro complex, if that matters all. Also after each workout I eat a baked potato and meat. I joined indoor track, but i Absolutely it. I'm a sprinter. I know I'll get stronger and faster by running track and lifting after but I don't understand the process of so much preparation a ten second race. I'm use to this much preparation a long event like a football or basketball game. Can anyone give me advice on how to get bigger and or faster. i'm in the running to start on defensive for the varsity so I need to get better. Also grades aren't an issue.
Why was summer jam 2010 ( Baltimore 1st Mariner Arena ) cancelled?
I just got on to see who was going to b there again and it said its been cancelled and i want to know why :(
Why is it Impossible to Find a Genuine Girl in College?
You are going to the wrong college then. I am a junior at Geneva College in PA and I have never regretted the fact that I went to a small Christian liberal arts college, as opposed to a big state school. There is no pressure to party and get drunk and do "frat life" stuff because the school doesn't put up with it, and the kids wouldn't do it anyways. The girls are not clones of paris hilton in a majority of the cases, and everyone is pretty nice and friendly. So, you are probably going to have to look off campus. Maybe get a job somewhere? Or find someone online who goes to a school near you? Maybe your standards are too high. Try a girl who you wouldn't normally talk to. I don't think your ethnicity should be a big deal. There are plenty of girls who will date guys who aren't white. There are college girls out there who are serious-minded individuals; you just have to know where to find them. Maybe your reputation is driving them away, as you said you were a frat boy before.
I am Indian man and want to emigrate to United States. What are popular jobs for handsome Indian gentleman?
i dont think being handsome is a basis of employment in america, even if u want to be an actor ur looks is not that imp, it'll always be the talent. look at ur credentials and from there u can start to ess urself on what job u can fit in.
What is Wiiconnect24?
My wii says that in order to get my mii's to travel to other wii's i 'd have to allow wii connect 24 and before i do that I want to know what it is and if their are problems to it.
How many blades does your razor have?
Well my junk is now clean shaven and now I'm thinking about shaving my arms, legs, chest and joining the swim team...should I?
Since when was it decided that countries can't take over other countries?
The United Nations 1945 and before that the League of Nations 1919 were established for countries to work out their differences peacefully.
Do you ever feel foolish for getting irritated over trivial things?
Seems immature. He needs to 'grow up', get a life. Tell him that and then ignore him. Don't get upset, but don't suppress your urge to complain. Just use these quick short retorts and then ignore his constant nagging for attention and he will eventually stop, but you have to be consistent and stick to your stance of dis interested bored snide comments.
Monday, January 9, 2012
How do you value and characterize your Mental Nature.....?
I'm devious, sorta evil, and also a perv. I'm also a self diagnosed schizophrenic. And plus I'm a little too creative and free thinking for most people to handle.
Cheerleaders!!! Yes or no? Should I?!?
So basically I really really realllyyyy want to be a cheerleader! I feel like i'd make a good one because I love to smile and challenge my self! I'm also popular and very energetic! Next year I am going to a new school as a Sopre. I don't really know if the cheerleaders there are really good... I've asked around and some say they're really good and some say they suck! I'm flexible like I can do scorpions & back bends and splits and all. It's about 3 weeks until try outs now. This week i started a cheerleading cl for 2 hours for 2 times a week. And I decided to take an hour long tumbling lesson privately with my friend in between. Right now I don't have my toe touch, pike jump, or herkie. I'm sore right now from cheerleading yesterday so I know I'm pushing myself! I have tumbling tommarow morning. I feel like if i try my best I can acheive those jumps! Or atleast a toe touch before tryouts! I can also sometimes land a front walk over or tymber! I'm 5'1 and not that heavy, i'm like average for my height. Should I give it a try or just wait till next year? And WHAT POSITION SHOULD I TRY FOR?! FLYER, BASE, SPOTTER? Please help(:
What name is the best for a baby girl?
I particularily like Chanel, Mia, Hope, Savannah, and Vanessa. But DON'T name her Jailene, it's got "jail" in it and sounds made up.
Nomenclature, for chemisty?
Those numbers are there to let you know that there is more than one type of isotope for that particular element.
Dating my teachers son.........?
First off, what is YOUR age? If you are closer to the son's age you have no business dating (or infatuated by) a 42 year old man. If you are closer to the teachers age either you are in college or you have very serious issues about your learning abilities. You would probably be better off just getting away from BOTH of the guys and get a life. I am sure you can do better than those two. Go on with schooling and learn something other than worrying about who you are dating. Your grammer and spelling need serious help.
My cats bleeding!?
cats don't get irraitable bowl. bleeding when pooping can be caused by a lot of different things. Most common is caused by parasites, then cancer. I would get her checked by a vet. Never trust what breeders tell you. They are not vets.
What do you think of these names?
These are great names. I can see nothing that could cause your child to throw rocks at you down the road. Before you make a final decision, you should check out this page to understand my reasoning. http://www.firstbabyparty.com/first_babys_name.html
I should go to the doctors but...?
Hell yeah you have go to the doctor before it gets worst...(i think the worst part is vomiting.... yeah that means it's the worst)
What are some lyrics that were so bad, they make you laugh?
Into the Night by Benny Mardones is the WORST song I have ever heard. I mean the guy is a pedophile and he has the nerve to write a song about pedophilia! I heard that during an interview he said it was a song about a sixteen year old girl he was "friends" with. Yeah right isn't that the same excuse they always use on dateline.
I have a hand gun here in canada, but I dont have it licensed, can I still keep it?
Its a glock 9 mm, I dont keep it loaded but I do have it in the glove box of my truck. I do live out on a farm though so no police really care? or do they?
Love or the possibility of Lust?
So i have this amazing friend i met at the begining of last year. We are so different, yet we have so much in common. She has a great sense of humor, she's great at sports, she's incredibly smart, and she has an amazing fashion sense, always matching in her outfits and her nike shoes. (hehe) Anyway, as i gradually got to know her, i developed a very, very, strong crush on her. I have had many crushes before, but this one seems very different...and its sorta hard to explain. She brings out the best in me. I told her that i was interested in her many months ago. She seemed to be somewhat excited about it because she's bi. I thought it would be wise to take things slow, and try to get to know her. Its been a tough journey because i am quite shy, and she is very popular. After those months of training, im pretty sure i got better with socializing. I absolutely love everything about her. Not to mention her beautiful eyes, they are so seductive. Its just amazing to me. So heres my statement. I think im in love with her, honestly. But then i have the doubts, it could be lust?? Any help and advice???
Why are my speakers not playing loudly? HEEELLLPPP!!!!?
Sounds most likely that there is faulty wiring somewhere in the speaker unit. Either that or you have used the wrong cables to plug from speaker to speaker or into your computer. It's like when you don't plug RCA cables into your TV properly, or into the wrong input...you get a dodgy picture. Check you have all your outputs/inputs plugged in properly, but if the problem persists, you probably just have a dodgy pair of speakers! Back to the manufacturer.
I'm so confused on the structure of a man's mind. . . help ?
So, me and this kid had a great thing. I kept pushing him away, and he alway's kept chasing after me. So, at the exact point where I was about too break, and tell him i'm in total lust with him he think's I don't dig him, and "attempted" too move on, & started dating a gal but it didn't last. So I was like . DOUBLE YOU TEE EFF ! & well, I was stupid and got with his bestfriend. He's a sweet guy, but it didn't last. & now, here I am asking you for help , i've been trying so hard for him too dig me again, I think he still likes me but . . . then he pulls away. It's been about a month that both of us, have dated someone. How can I get him back ? What do I do ? >.<
Navy Nuclear Power Program?
The pay charts show you what you make monthly by rank and time in service. Check out the link below. Good luck at Nuke school!
Please, would you comment on my writing?
Woah. That was amazing. I would like to here more, though. Can you finish it, please? It is really good and I want to read the rest!!!!
Converting Bonus room into Bedroom floor shakes how to fix?
Sister additional joists from above. Remove sub floor to expose joists. Spike new joists to existing joists.
Environmental science question please help!!?
UNEP was established by a UN General embly resolution after the UN conference on the human environment held in Stockholm, Sweden on the 15th Dec 1972.
Do you like fishsticks?
BQ: Did you like this last season of Southpark? I only remember like 4 episodes and those were all the Coon things.
What is the Magna Carta?????? x?
The Magna Charta is a statement signed by King John at Runnymede England when the nobles forced him to allow the nobles to be tried by their peers. A peer was a noble, It did not mean that the common people could by tried by other people. They still would be tried by the peers of the realm...which are the nobles. As time went by the interpretation of the doent was changed to mean trail by a jury of your equals.
Why is Nasa replacing the Shuttle for a 1960s replica?
The Shuttle was designed to lift payloads into space and conduct "near earth exploration". Orion was designed for a manned mission to mars so they are going with a design, while much larger that the original, is similar to the moon missions. Where a trip to the moon took 2 days, NASA has figured it will take 2 years to reach Mars. This means a tremendious amount of materials need to be lifted into space(food, fuel, supplies for 2 years). The way NASA figures is that they will send the living quarters and most supplies out first and have the crew and landing vehicle go last. The reason they aren't going with a winged design is that the speed nessesary to get to Mars would rip the wings off the craft on reentry. Where as a capsule can use the atmoshpere better to slow itself down.
Why do some people say that science created us and not GOD?
Science is the systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. Science did not create the universe, it is how we find out "stuff" about the universe.
Who is your favorite kid from jon and kate plus 8?
I like all three little girls Alexis, Hannah, and Leah and I only like Cara because she is the caring older one and never acts like the 4 year olders shes always worse but I love them all
Umbilical Hernia due to pregnancy - Should I have another operation done?
When I had my first son in 2005 because he was a big baby @ 9lbs. 1 1/2oz. I developed an umbilical hernia. I had surgery done to correct the protrusion. I just had my second son 4 months ago and he weighed in at 9lbs. 15oz., much bigger than his big brother when he was born. I have a gut feeling that I may have developed another umbilical hernia [possibly in the same area] and I think it may have tore more because of the size of my second son being so big. Also, when I lay down flat on my back - and go to crunch forward/up [like going to do crunches] I put a finger right below my naval and I can actually feel my finger being squeezed between the torn muscle. So my questions were: 1) Should I have another surgeory to correct this problem... 2) Would it be safe to have another baby?
I need some tips on improving this poem?
Switch around some of the scenarios and delete those that get in the way of the actual point of your poem. There are a few random words or phrases that can be done without. I'd change the beginning to fit better with the rest. Tell a story in sequence. Overall the subject is awesome and the poem as a whole is well written. I like it a lot.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
My husband and I just separated and now we are stuck in a lease?
I have no job and 2 kids and now am on welfare. I was hoping my landlords would be a little more empathetic when I told them my husband and I were splitting. They are saying we are responsible for the lease till new tenants are found and will not show it till it is vacated. I am on the waiting list for low income housing for my children and I. What should I do? I can can't even put gas in my car at this point but I'm not going to stay with this abusive man just because of a lease I am stuck in. what should I do?
Help remembering name of Movie?
I saw a movie on the TNT channel a while ago, and I want to know what its name is. All I remember was that it took place in a futuristic age, and some students (possibly in college) were suggested to fight in the military, and ended up fighting some odd alien bug things. Sorry if this isn't enoguh info.
Help needed, please read further details...thankyou?
I'm a 14-year old that needs a job over the summer. I don't got to summer school or any other thing that would keep me buzzy. On a typical summer day i'm uisually on the computer, watching tv, reading a book etcc. I'm extremely bored, want to meet new people and want to earn money, so I'd like to get a job. Unfortunately, all the places I've gone to such as; ardenes, tim hortons and a couple of other places all turned me down. Appearantly im too young?! If you have any job suggestions, please comment back.
What kinds of jobs, besides a teacher, can someone get with a Masters Degree in Physics?
What about engineering? Are there companies that hire physicists to work in the engineering department?
Why do not Quebec become sovereign soon?
Because Quebec sovereignty is an idea whose time is ped. The movement was strong many years ago, but nowadays Quebecers are more concerned with better social issues such as health care, schools, affordable housing, etc. to want to focus on the issue of sovereignty. The sovereignty movement was strictly political with no foreseen concrete gains for the average Quebecer, people realize that now, and the movement is dead.
If you are silently intolerant toward a group of people, is it the same as bigotry?
For example, if you quietly voted for Proposition 8 in California, the measure that made it illegal for same marriage, is that bigotry to you? Gay people ARE, after all, people.
I don't remember the name of this movie/show/short. Can you help please?
I can't remember the name of this movie I saw when I was little. It looks like it's from the late 90's. It's plot involves these kids like 10-12, a boy and a girl and their brother and sister at the beginning. In the end we find out that the little girl is actually princess annabelle. Her "brother" figured it out because of a heart shaped birthmark I think it was on her neck. But anyway throughout it they're scared to death because the guy who they think is trying to hurt them is actually just someone who's close to annabelle and has been looking for her her whole life so she can be the princess. If this helps i remember the girl is blonde, and there's a scene when she's by herself walking in front of their house and the guy (the guy who's looking for her) is in a black car and recognizes her and lips her name and yells her name and chases after her to the kids backyard is. She's running to her older brother. I also remember their clubhouse in the backyard where they'd try to discuss and such and such. PLEASE HELP, IT'S KILLING ME NOT KNOWING WHAT THE NAME IS. Thank you. :)
What should I do when my dogs teeth are bleeding?
I have a GSD 5 months old, and his canine and premolar teeth is about to fall because he had broken it while playing with ball, they look half cut and they are bleeding, I brushed his teeth to prevent infection, will my puppy's teeth grow back or should I go to the vet?
What would my girlfriend say if she came home and I was wearing make up and nail varnish?
i want to wear my girlfriends make up and paint my nails but worried what she would think i love her and don't want to upset her by the way im a 22 year old male and my girlfriend is 21and im STRAIGHT
Im a senior in high school and i wanna be an aerospace engineer and i wanna go Straight to UCLA?
Aerospace engineers cover a wide variety of disciplines. Stress, Design, Mechanical, Electrical, Quality and Manufacturing are just a few. Consider where your interests lie and concentrate in that area. I taught courses in Manufacturing Engineering for many years and worked for General Dynamics and Hughes for 18 years. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. rn111553@yahoo.com
Is this virus still on my computer?
UI was talking with a agent on my att dsl thing and we spent an hour on the phone he said that there was a virus becuase i was only able to Access the internet on safe mode not in regular mode so when i finshied talking with him i had to do something that required using regular mode so i went on regular mode and i went on the internet and it works! but is the virus still on my computer?
Can anyone show how integration-by-parts is applied on the improper integral (6ln(x))/(x^8) form 1 to inf?
The correct answer is 6/49 . Tony forgot a 1/7 factor is his solution and also forgot about the initial 6 in the problem.
Can you help me translate this German sentence into English?
Did you know that google has a translation tool? If you pull up the homepage, to the right of the search box, there's a link to language tools (in very small print). Click it and you're at the translation page. It works pretty well. I use it for French for my job.
Antigen Detection ays?
For my pathogenic microbiology cl my professor has double immunodiffusion, counterimmunoelectrophoresis, single radial immunodiffusion, and flocculation listed as soluble antigen and antibody ays but on the next page she has them listed as precipitation ays. Which one is correct or are they both correct?
I will attempt again to ask this question. Is there anyone here that is for McCain without hating Obama?
When this question is asked there is a lot of banter and abusive attitude regarding the opponent I have yet to get an intelligent answer. Can someone please attempt this.
Treadmill running question pain?
Ive recently been running on a treadmill when i go to the gym. However, after about 7-8 minutes of running on zero incline at 6.5mph-7mph my shins start to get soar and the start to burn like crazy and I have to stop the treadmill. Ive never had this problem before and ive been running on the treadmill lat year all the time. I usually run for about 15 to 20 minutes but i haven't gotten that far because of the burning in my shins and the sorness. Also, it is winter now and I need to train for wrestling and basketball so i need to know the problem whether its my running technique or what?
I'm looking for some Hindi music...?
if u enjoyed kal ho na ho, u will probably like Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, as well as the songs.. and my personal favorite movies were Devdas, and Gangster.. .. some veru good songs from Ganster : tu Hi Meri Shab Hai , Bheegi bheegi, Ya Ali
Cop threatened me with a house search?
Ok, so the cop who works at my school, he knows I smoke pot...he talks to me sometimes and he ALWAYS brings up the subject of it and asks me questions and ****...I dont want to sound suspicious, so I usually try to answer them (There usually just "So, how much do you pay" and other general q's) and sometimes he just says "How's the dope smokin' going?" and today he said "Well, based on what I know about you, I could go and search your house" And he was all like saying if I told him who smokes it at the school and who I get it from he wouldnt...of course I told him no. But...how is that possible? Is he just bluffing to attempt to pry information off me?
How do I find someone to hire to write a biography?
I want to hire someone to write a biography of my grandparents to give to all the grandkids and great grand children as a gift. Any suggestions how I would go about doing this? It would be in the Sacramento, CA area if you have a referral.... Thank you.
Dayuum wat do u tell ur parents wen u get caught drinkin? ?
just say you were at a party and they had a punch there... and alchole... but, you didn't drink any, you just had the punch... which later on someone told you that it was spiked.
What is the best vacuum for hardwood floors, throw rugs, upholstry, and pets?
I am looking for a vacuum that won't scratch my hardwood floors, easily switches to brush roll for throw rugs, has onboard attachments for upholstry, and works great for picking up pet hair. Also, would prefer that it isn't too heavy or loud, has good suction and doesn't clog, has reasonable power cord & upholstry hose length. I know this is a lot to ask but there's got to be one out there. Any suggestions?
How do you choose shapewear?
When I want to look a little thinner in some old jeans that make it noticeable I put on weight I usually just wear my spandex shorts that would be used for sports and pull it up over my gut. You can find long ones like that at wall mart and it does good to make your lower belly not so prominent with out suffocation or looking odd.
Which email address is better and professional?
Personally, I believe the first is more professional-sounding, but it's entirely my opinion. Sometimes initials make one wonder about who exactly is doing the sending, but with a name it's much clearer.
I think I'm bipolar..but am being treated for depression..need some help?
I've been on zoloft since I was about 15 (22 now) and at first it worked. In high school I did a bunch of drugs and during an adderall/coke episode I got into some trouble and it was either get arrested or go to a psych ward. They diagnosed me as bipolar, but at the time I was so high and manic from the drugs I figured they were wrong. So I've just been on and off anti depressants ever since, but I'm still depressed. I also experience the highs and lows, one day I'm invincible and don't have enough hours to put all of my amazing ideas into effect..the next week I'm suicidal. I pretty much know that I'm bipolar, but I'm terrified to face it because I don't want to be crazy...but at the same time, I want to fix it with the right medication. Does anyone have any advice or insight about bipolar? please help I'm so confused..
Child abandonment warrant?
When a non custodial parent is unable to pay support for thirty days due to a layoff but still exercises his visitation and provides for the child while in his care can he still be arrested for child abandonment? Are you required to go to court before a warrant can be issued or can the custodial parent just file for a warrant with the magistrate court in ga? Thanks any other useful info would be appreciated.
Math question?
If four congruent circles are inscribed in a square with a side length of 20 mm as shown, find the area of the shaded region
Economics ignment! I have no clue what to do?
Okay, so, you are a realator in Canada. Okay, so the US Federal Reserve (Fed) has cut interest rates for the 9th straight time to help with the crisis. Due to this, it is expected that the Bank of Canada will follow suit, allowing for more lending and a greater interest in home buying.
An interminable torture (dysfunctional family troubles) help?
Your letter could have been written by my grandson. Son, this man is mentally and physically abusing you to the point that you don't even like yourself or feel worthy. Before you let him destroy you, go to a teacher, counselor, clergy, anyone that can act on this for you. You need to be separated from your Father. Child Protective Services are the people who can get this straighten out for you. You are too vital a person to let this keep going on. We out here the readers are pulling for you and want to see you relaxed and happy.God Bless You! A caring Grandmother.
Please guide me : : : :?
I am in a relationship wid a girl,we had 2, many a times, but now our understanding doesn't match. We quarrel on every topic. I wanna break up, but she doesn't. She is blackmailing me emotionally dat she wud do suicide, and leave my name in dat. She may even screw me legally.. Can anyone advice something about it?
Saturday, January 7, 2012
What's the big deal on airport security? Why do they make you take full-body screens or pat you down?
They are gradually conditioning Americans to tolerate more and more intrusions. It makes us easier to control.
Do enlightened monks have insight into their past lives? Do they have extra sensory abilities?
How does the monk know when he's been enlightened? Who decides if one's been enlightened? Have they now escaped the life cycle and will not be reincarnated?
Wats in aerospace engineering?
Aerospace engineering is the branch of engineering that concerns aircraft, spacecraft, and related topics. Aerospace Engineering was originally known as aeronautical engineering and dealt solely with aircraft. The broader term "aerospace engineering" has superseded the former in most usage, as flight technology advanced to include craft operating outside Earth's atmosphere.[1] In ogy with "aeronautical engineering", the branch is sometimes referred to as astronautical engineering, although this term usually only concerns craft which operate in outer space. Aerospace engineering is often informally called rocket science in popular culture.
How do you get donations for golf outing prizes?
I am in charge of my family reunion this year. There is always a golf outing the weekend before. The guy who's supposed to be planning it mysteriously disappeared, so I'm winging it. I have a tee time, now I need prizes. Aren't there places that donate stuff? Where should I go? Who should I ask? I've never done this before. Thanks!
What's the best way to cook steak in the oven without it drying up?
In a dutch oven with the lid on. It traps the moisture inside and prevents the meat from drying out.
How do I fix my memory card without actually deleting the files?
You see, one day I was taking pictures with my friends. During the night, I was going to upload the pics on FB when the computer said "Memory Card Unreadable" but I can still view them in my camera. I really wanna save these pics but I wanna save my camera too! Please help!!!
American Universities.?
I think most US Universities have work study programs. You can work on campus in dining services, library, on-campus galleries and alike.
Should i give up on him, need answers. 10 points?
dont give up on him. just simply start over. it may not seem simple, but all you need to do is talk to him, promise him that things wil be different. make the relationship work. dont fight with him, sometimes you have to let other person win. im not saying to give in every time but just let him win fights at times. and remember if its not worth fighting about, dont fight. just do what i did, dont do anything (like get drunk and mack on other guys) to make the relationship fall apart. if you do that you wil most likely have your boyfriend back :)
What does this dream mean?
When I was little I had a couple of dreams about the world ending but not a lot. But, now that I've gotten older it seems to be getting worse. I'm 14 and having disturbingly vivid dreams is normal for me. I hardly ever forget my dreams and if I do they usually weren't that important, didn't last long, or vivid enough. The most vivid dream I remember having of the world ending when I was little was that a news cast was saying that there was "going to be m destruction happening all over the U.S. in most parts of the..." and I can't remember what they said after that. But my parents took me and put me in our truck and I remember that they brought a lot of water. I also remember the news saying that there were going to be a lot of wrecks like car crashes and stuff.My parents started driving towards downtown trying to get of of Georgia (which is where we lived at the time) and my dad was barely swerving out of the way of a bunch of collisions and cars that were completely out of control. For some reason there were bees flying everywhere and people were also crashing because they were being attacked and stung by them. As a child I had a terrifying fear of bees so that may explain why the bees were there. Before we could get to the the stop light we got into a crash and that's all I remember. My most recent dream of the world ending is very confusing and vivid. I was at a school I've never seen before and I was about 17 and had a motorcycle I was driving down a long endless road and next to it was a clean up crew type thing and they were trying to get the pollution and litter off of the side of the road where the trees were. And with each level of destruction the trees would get more and more bare and destroyed and it just scared me to death and absolutely depressed me to see nature and humanity like this. I'm not exactly sensitive when it comes to subjects like humanity and stuff like that but seeing people trying so hard to fix this just sort of tugged at my heart strings a bit. The man who was supposedly the principle of the made up school I went to told me to race to the school and warn the teachers and students and everyone there that they had to get to safety because there was unfortunately no way to fix the pollution. Also next to the trees was a marshy land that used to be a clear ocean *I'm not sure how I knew or understood this but I just did* but each day they tried to fix the pollution the water just kept getting browner and foamier and more disgustingg. So I raced to the school and one teacher and another girl already knew and were trying to get everyone evacuated. So we all went to this church down the long endless road and stayed in the highest part which was where the bells are (I can't remember what it's called but it's where the bells are that ring when it's time to go to church). Well there were about a hundred of these things and the children (mostly teens about 15 to 19) were all crammed into these things (which were actually mive and had no bells inside them) and I was with 2 other girls and one of them was a girl who had a little baby and was angry at herself and started crying because the baby wouldn't eat and she thought it wouldn't eat because she ate too much food and didn't leave enough. I offered my own but she refused. I offered again and again she refused. She then bordered a bus that somehow was on a platform type thing connected to the bell tower thing. I'm not sure what happened to the other girl, she may have bordered the school bus as well. But, then after that I woke up. Can anyone help me understand the meaning in these 2 dreams? Thnx. P.S I probably pray the most between me and my mom and dad but I'm not a very spiritual person. I'm not obsessed with God but when I do pray it's usually to thank him if I had a good day or if I just haven't prayed in a while. I like to pray for other people a lot especially my friends and a lot of times when I look up meanings to my dreams the dream has something to do with my spirituality. I don't know if this little bit of P.S. info helps but I just wanted to clear some stuff up or help a little. Please help me figure this out. Thank you for having the patience and curiosity to read this far.:).
What is the alkaline elements concentration in iron ore?
i want to know what the alkaline elements concentration is iron ore the iron ore grade is 57% and 63% i wanted to know if alkaline existed here and what their concetration was
Why is he so unhappy?
My 12 weeks old has been crying since the say he was born. I really almost cannot take it anymore. It isn't really even the crying that bothers me, but rather the SCREAMING. The doctor told me it was colic, but I don't think it is. It is a matter of him always being mad and not getting what he wants exactly when he wants it. If I hold him, non stop, he usually doesn't do this, but holding him 24 hrs. a day isn't practical. He wakes up screaming every time he sleeps, and screams so badly while I try to make all of his bottles.He doesn't scream when anyone else watches him. I feel like I am at my wits end here and it is affecting the way I see my son. Is this just going to be his personality? Is this the way my baby is always going to be? Will I have to always deal with this? Every day is nothing but screaming and screaming and screaming and he NEVER stops on his own.
2010 WC: How far will everyone's favorite team today, SPAIN, go in South Africa?
I say pretty far. Their group is manageable, probably top of it, then probably semi-finals. I doubt for a final, Spain are definately a top team, but will face ferocious competition from Argentina, The Netherlands, Germany, Srbia and Spain.
Do I have to pay for unauthorized Vet services?
Well, he still gave the shots and the wormer when your trainer said to do it, so it's in no way the vet's fault. You are still responsible for the bill. I would suggest taking it up with the trainer instead of the vet - the vet was just doing his job. If you didn't want them done, you should have been there when the vet was there if you wanted to guarantee he wouldn't give unwanted shots. Sorry for the bad news, but that's the way it works! (which is why I am ALWAYS there for any vet and shoer appointments). I would just pay the vet and be done with it if I were you, then switch boarding stables.
Why are Alzheimer's rates higher in developed countries?
I recently looked at a map of the disability-adjusted life year rates from Alzheimer's and other dementia-related diseases. I was shocked to see that developed nations like America and many countries in Western Europe had very high rates of Alzheimer's. Is there a reason for this? I would ume it's because of the long life-spans here, but I would have thought that proper diets and accessibility to medicine would counteract it. Thanks for any answers!
Poor TV reception in Manchester?
Any ideas - last week the bundle of Channel 4 (E4, C4, More4, C4+1) channels started to go down on my freeview box and also on my DVB TV. The ogue reception has become almost unwatchable too. The confusing thing is that the other bundles (BBC, ITV, other freeview) are working nearly perfectly. Is there a problem with Winter Hill? Who should I report this to?
How does the perpetual motion works in real?
Gravity is used to make a counterweighted arm lift a weight via a spring ist to raise a system's center of gravity every 180 degrees. It's Da Vinci's overbalanced wheel drawing when the drawing is inverted.
Help! kinda big situation! need some views and opinions and respones!?
kay, we met on facebook through a really close mutual friend, i am 14, and he is 18, yeah yeah, age difference, i'm a bad person, and i do bad things, blah blah i know that whatever. so it was a snow day today, and we met up with my best friend aswell. but then she leaves us, and i kinda wanna go home because the mutual friend said if he doesn;t get what he wants, bad things will happen, and yeah.... so we go to the park for a bit, and i am always tring to think of conversation because he just keeps staring at me, and it was kinda awkrawd, so we keep walking, and he thought i was 17, and i was like nooo, i'm 14, but he thought that coz all myfriends are older, coz i'm from england..... but he ike doesnt care. so we get to my house (outside) and i say bye, and i give him a hug, and a pat on the back pahaha, and he is staring at my like he wants a kiss, but i didn't really want to because i had a very bad regretful experience with my last guy, and so he leaves. And i KNOW he wants to do 'other things' with me, and i'm all, well hmmm, maybe sometime, and he's like no rush.... he's pretty hot, and really funny and gentlemanly, it seems. so then he asked me if i wanted to blaze it this friday, and i was like i'll see. so it would just be me and him and i'm not THAT stupid..... so i tell him i like him a lot, but i don;t wanna get into anything due to my last 'relationship' and he's all 'i understand' and he still asked me if i wanted to blaze it, and i was all, well imma get THC drug tested so that probs wouldnt be a good idea, so no, sorry, (but i am actually gonna get tested) and now i don't kw what i should do.... should i go? do you think he wants/wanted to try use me? or just blaze it? or just be friends? and do you think it sounds like he might try it on this friday? please help. and yeah yeah yeah..... i do bad things. and i'm not a virgin, and i regret that quiiite a lot, and i was stupid. and i can handle my drink, and yeah.
Is it my fault?
ok so i had a friend (hes a guy well call him josh ) and hes asked me out a few times but i made it absolutley clear that he is a friend to me and nothing more but in cl or when ever he sits next me he gropes my leg and tries to hold my hand however i have said stop and since he didnt stop i eventually sat with my bookbag in my lap but he still continued no matter what i did...my ex bf found out what he was doin and confronted him to "please stop your kinda scaring her just back off a little" the next day josh is pissed off at me and has like 5 of my friends mad at me to then on myspace hes like haring me and cursing me out and im like what the heck did i do?!?!? is it my fault did i do something wrong? please help im really confused!
Why she jelouse?
broke up with girl twice, told her i lied cheated etc, week later said sorry give me another chance sent flowers said text me the next day if i still got a chance, she did, then week later i brought another girl to her restaurant and she was like takin another girl out? i was like, yea. then she kinda hoverd around for 1o minutes, then just got up and left work! then texted me at 3 am callin me stupid if i wanted to see her i didnt have to drag in some skank. wtf is her problem. did i break her?
On the 6 year anniv of bush's war, it turns out President Clinton was 100% right about Iraq, wasn't he?
5, not 6. Clinton said that Iraq, without question, had untold stockpiles of chemical weapons the day he left office. I don't see how he can be correct and Bush incorrect, when they both said the same thing.
French speakers is this sentence correct?
Pendant le weekend je suis allee au marais(an area in paris) avec mon amie.j'ai fait du shopping. j'ai achete deux paires de chaussures. j'ai reamrque(i noticed) beaucoup des choses interessantes la. Les gens qui vous voyez ont tres a la mode(trendy) et en vogue. j'ai essaye de parler francais a mon amie. j'ai appris quelques nouveaux mots.
Does whiskey really smell that different from bourbon?
Someone I know said that she visited a mall santa for fun but he reeked of bourbon and he groped her. Which made me wonder, does bourbon smell different from whiskey? I've drank both a few times, and they do taste different, but I dunno if they're that different that I'd immediately distinguish them from smell alone.
Friday, January 6, 2012
How can I legally break my rental lease?
The electrical issue could be your ticket out of the lease if the landlord refuses to fix it, but you will need to have it inspected at your own expense to determine if it is a fire hazard. Other than that I suggest you look for your way out in the lease you signed and then look up your state's landlord tenant act. Laws vary from state to state. Typically a landlord is required to serve the tenant a 3-5 quit notice before the landlord can file for an eviction. Serving a quit notice (aka a pay or quit notice) is not seen as the landlord breaking the lease because it is not served unless the tenant is already in breach of contract (typically for not paying the agreed upon rent in a timely manner). You may have to chalk this one up to experience and take the time to fully inspect any property you move into in the future. Good Luck.
4 dogs fighting? Are they trying to establish a pecking order ???
You need to be the Alpha Dog and so does your neighbor. Do not let them get to that stage. Let them learn that if it's not OK with you then it is not going to happen. In order to do this you MUST find a form of discipline that works with this pack and stay on top of it. I don't mean yelling or hitting the dogs, this type of behavior does more harm then good. Watch them closely, if you see any sign of aggression correct it immediately. After a few days of this they should get the idea... GOOD LUCK!!!
I am looking for a BBB in Brussels?
tell them your contacting the BBB or you are a bigshot who wont let this down and make tons of websites and give them a bad name . .
Chicken pox urgent!!!?
No,once youve had it your body has formed its natural defense,as for your dad having it for the first time i highly recommend he visits a doctor,im not 100% sure but ive heard that 'adult ' chickenpox can be much more serious,please visit a doc just for reurance. xx
Why can't it be that simple between guys and girls?
First of all you need to look at your life! As long as you have guidance the following rules apply. One must love them self before they can love another. Most people do not know what the word really means? Do not do to others that you do not want done to you. In this world there is to many people that do not practice what they preach. Do you agree?
Punnett Squares Question, am I doing this right? I need help, please.?
Yes you are doing this correct, the genotypes are perfect, it doesn't matter which way the parents go on a punnet square. You would need to do 2 punnet squares I think (sorry it was last year I did them =D) there's 100% chance of a black offspring and 25% chance of a waltzing offspring so I think its 25% chance of having black waltzing mouse offspring
Where or how can i watch Carl Froch V Jean Pascal?
Someone please help me and tell me how i can watch this fight. i missed it. and itv are idiots because they dont show repeats.
Mormons, can you explain this Book of Mormon verse for me, about the Trinity? 2 Nephi 31:21?
It may seem to support a Trinity doctrine. However, Mormons/LDS concept of God is three distinct individuals but all work together, united as one. A good example that explains the concept is that husband and wife in the bible are two people but become united as one flesh. They are two people but the bible recognizes them as one.
I hate my life and high school. What should I do?
I'll try and shorten my life story, even though its really long and complicated. I'm a sopre at a high school, no one likes me in this school, everyday I get dirty glares walking down hallways, I have no friends, I use to have friends last year but thats because I was best friends with these 3 popular girls. One of those girls turned against me by calling me a slut, , devil and a whole bunch of other things. Her 'groupie' followed, everyday I get called a skank by them. (Her reason for this is because I supposily lead one of the guys she liked on, but I had a boyfriend, and I told him that, and he was okay, said he understood I didn't have the same feelings for him.) Yet she still hates me to this day, everyone in high school, and i mean EVERYONE is friends with these girls. People always tell me to just ignore them and they'll go away, its been over a year, I've had enough, I don't do anything to them, and I try not to make eye contact with those girls, their friends(which would be pretty much the whole school) would come up to me and tell me all these nasty things they say behind my back. My best friend who doesn't go to this school, knows what I'm going through, shes my only friend, and shes moving to Texas soon. I'll have no one left, I try to make friends everyday but I just end up alone at the end of the day, or sitting alone at lunch. I was looking into online school but my parents refuse to let me do that, they said 'its not a real school, you'll ruin your college opportunity.' and that I should 'suck it up, its not that bad.' I would love to transfer schools, maybe even a private school. People say your high school year is suppose to be a good memory, and not hell. Yet, I feel like I'm already in hell. I'm doing my best to just concentrate on homework and school but whenever I come home, I just lock myself in my room and cry.
Guyliner - Eyeliner for Guys ?
NO!!! i hate it when guys where eyeliner. it makes them look gay... and even if you are gay dont where eyeliner!!
Can you pithing needle gemstone mine in mtg?
You CAN name Gemstone Mine as Pithing Needle comes into play. However, it would have no effect since the land only has a mana ability.
Is Obama too thin skinned to run the country.?
Puh-leeze, the garbage that people like you call criticism is more smear and slander. You people accuse him of being communist and being the terrorists' choice! And even then he has not ever gotten angry or demoralized. McCain is the one crying over "ageist" remarks and can't take criticism. Obama throws the punches, while McCain gives low blows. I choose the person who plays fair.
I have a question about a stallion and a gray arab mare.?
i picked a stallion to breed my arab mare to. he is a 16hh paint that's brown and black and white. he's really pretty. plus he's tall which i wanted. i think he would've been a cute little jumper if he was broke but they say they don't have the time to break him. i really like him alot and they said they'd sell him to me for 450$. the only thing i'm worried about is what if i don't like how the foal comes out and i have a stallion i don't want to breed to my mare. what would you do? i'm thinking of buying him and breaking him and doing jumping on him cuz he'd look super cute doing that. so what do you guys think.This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless phone.
How do i get a girl 2 choose me?
she jus tol me that she is confused about who 2 pick me or her ex bf... she is no slut or anythin she is confused and i really wanna show her how much i care 4 her. ladies any suggestions?
What do you think the effect of the Youkilis-Manny fight will be on tonight's game vs. the Mariners?
If the scuffle between Kevin Youkilis and Manny Ramirez continues tonight, what do you think will happen?
What kind of wasp lives in holes in the mud/dirt in Illinois? Please see the additional details.?
There are about 100 tiny holes in the same general proximity (15 feet), each hole with one wasp (maybe more), which are black and yellow. I cannot tell if the holes are connected, with a large nest underground, or if they are solitary, although it appears they are solitary. The wasps are currently about 1/2" long. I know they are wasps because of their body shape, but I've not been able to find anything conclusive online about what kind of wasp this may be. It started as about 10-15 holes in the shade of a shrub and the numbers have continued to grow over the past week, with holes all along that side of the house and under the bottom deck railing. They are only in shady areas. We are in Chicago, having just moved from Florida, where I never saw this type of wasp in 33 years (that doesn't mean they aren't there - I just never saw them and I was always gardening!) I am trying to determine a) what kind they are and b) if they are aggressive, as I am allergic to many stinging insects and have two very curious dogs. Any information would be helpful!
2003 Olds Alero Brake Change?
Need to change the pads, rotors, and calipers on my front brakes. Is this an easy brake job, something I can do myself? or should I leave it to the experts and pay for the repairs. I do have a repair manual to help me out, but I may not have all the right tools and can only jack up 1 tire at a time.
How do I start transitioning my son to eat more foods and use a bottle less?
He can have anything you are eating just cut small. Try steamed carrots (not raw he could choke) Fruit just needs to be cut up small. That kid isn't getting nearly enough to eat. He should have been eating fruits and veggies for almost 6 months now. Stop offering cherrios and tell him he can only have some if he eats x amount of veggies. Kids will only go so long before they will eat something. Even if they think they don't like it. Most kids like pretty much everything they just want the control over not having to eat it.
How do I make amends with my future mother-in-law?
confront her and sit down and get it all out in the open.Let her know that this ridiculous misunderstanding is affecting her son negatively and for his sake as well as everyone else, you have to come to some agreement.If her response is negative then work out an agreement to at least be cival to each other so the stress can be ended.
My images on freewebs aren't uploading?... please help me.?
they upload and then the whole process stops at OPTIMIZING image... please help me! thank you so much.. also check out my site at www.freewebs.com/1931modela
How the octopus manage to eat the Penna with out get caught,Penna is a shell fish lick two hens,that open an c
how the octopus manage to eat the Penna with out get caught,Penna is a shell fish lick two hens,that open an close very fast and very tight if you pout you finger in it will be cut to a apices's,but the octopus manage to eat it this Cain of Shell fish with out be harm,remember octopus is very smart,the answer will amaze you,i will answer this Q.later
What to spend 400$ on?
You are very young and don't understand the value of money. Sound like you live the GOOD-LIFE, I am trying to get $500 save so that I can buy a car so that I don't have to walk to work in the rain and heat of summer. Find 40 poor homeless people, or 40 people at the doctor's office for the poor and give each one of them $10.00 (10 x 40 =$400) I believe if you do this it will make you feel good about yourself, and show you how the rest of America lives.
I have a 4 foot poured concrete retaining wall in front of my house....?
so this wall began to crumble when i started removing huge overgrown bushes in front of the wall and the ones in my lawn at the top of the wall. I ume the roots did the job. So now the wall crumbles more each time it rains and i have a pile of concrete crumbles, rocks and dirt below each breech in the wall. I want to use plywood propped up against the wall and pour in new concrete to fill in the breeches. Will this work?
Can anybody help me identify these History terms?
hahahaha u must be taking the same history cl with me!!!! lol i have the same review sheet!!! dr. Boyd right?
Anderson Cooper..CNN?
A committed, dedicated journalist -- his mother is Gloria Vanderbilt. His work is truly from the heart - not for the $$ Opinions
How to move on...?
get a hobby, new friends, new love interest, u do definately need to move on, show him ur self and every1 else that u dont need him and that u are happy without him. u will be right for someone else and someone else will like u for u. probably there already is someone that really does like u but u have been too busy to notice because of seth, so look around, im sure ull find him, if not, u will when ur not looking. keep urself busy. ull be fine... good luck
Where did my eskimo bucket full of fish go?!?
I put it down next to my igloo and went inside to pee, now its gone! I have no neighbors and there aren't any polar bears around. What gives?!?!
Planning a birthday party for my daughter and need some help from you?
I wouldn't have dinner, but have the cupcakes. I'd maybe have some chips or snacks too during the cup-cake time - not the party. Don't give out goody bags, this sounds like PLENTY... but beware of that one kid who asks why they didn't get goody bags.
What could this be?????
I keep tasting this weird taste for no reason whatsoever, everything tastes like it. I've never tasted this taste before, and I keep smelling this smell that isn't there. No one else smells it, it smells like the thing I keep tasting, and no matter how much I brush my teeth, rinse, gargle, floss etc. I can't get rid of it! Everything I eat tastes like that, and its taking the joy out of eating. What is wrong with me, and what can I do to get rid of this...if anything.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
My ipod touch wont turn on?
plug your ipod into your computer. when it's plugged in, hold the menu and center on for about 5-10 seconds, or keep holding it until you see the apple logo. you just resetted your i pod and it should work fine.
Do you think wife has a reason to be suspicious of me? Do you think that she thinks i'm after her husband?
She has noticed that her husband is flirting with u and she is jealous a natural reaction, keep your distance from her husband, and be more patient with her she is a lot older than u and feels threatened by u the younger woman.
I have had a knee locking problem for about 16 years. Can any one help? Usually I can 'click' it out.?
I've had this problem for a long time, usually I take a deep breath and click the knee back in. It makes an audible clunk and it's fine but It's been locked now for about 2 days and I can't click it out. It is becoming very painful. I am 55 years old. I have never had any injury to the knee but have been told it is related to the cartilage. I do not want to have surgery.
Afraid I'll make a terrible partner/wife?
Don't worry. I'm quite similar. Just make sure you don't settle for guys who don't treat you right just because they are exciting. There are cool, exciting guys out there who will treat you good, just be patient as they are a small percentile of the population. I found one just recently ;)
Universal Healthcare - Machusetts?
I find it very interesting to the fact they fined people who choose not to have insurance, thus creating more of a socialist state the a democracy state. Adding taxes to those who smoke also have me worried... Why not tax the fast food for the obese people. Since they are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. This country is going down hill in a hand basket real fast by all this political mobo jumbo.
Anyone who just watched brothers and sisters on abc...?
When Robert asked Kitty if she loved alec, what did kitty say?? My tv lost signal at that exact moment.
Are you good at being y...or do the words come out all wrong?
i'm uny and awkward. especially when i'm attracted to someone else. and i'm usually oblivious when it comes to others trying to be y with me.
In what store do you think I can find a purple hippo keychain??? (urgent!)?
So yeah me and this girl are talking but last night I was with a friend acting stupid and I think she got mad at me. So I want to see if I can find a purple-hippo (inside joke between me and her) keychain to apologize. Nothing extravagant, I know, but at least is a nice little detail that I'm sure will cheer her up.
What are the proportions of a Bengal Tiger?
I'm working on a project for school and can't find the proportions of a Tiger anywhere! So please if you have any information let me know!
Is there a recommended process for weaning?
I was thinking of starting to wean my daughter around 6 months by introducing a bottle of formula during the day and then gradually replace all day time feedings and then the night-time ones....I was thinking I would like to have her waened fully by 8-9 months. Is that reasonable...will the milk remain that long once I start to nurse less frequently?
Some Good Movies About Cocaine?
Looking for some good movies about cocaine i.e. Blow, Goodfellas, Scarface etc. Just looking for some more movies thanks.
NEED COMPUTER HELP????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
try the program ccleaner it is free and no malware i use it all the time. clean both your computer and registry
Is The vampire Diaries better than Buffy the vampire slayer? Will a female vamp ever get a human bf?
Instead of the vampires that are male always getting human girlfriends. Will it ever be the other way around?
Was it a mistake for the GOP to let the cameras roll?
Anyone who thinks that Obama destroyed his credibility today is highly blinded by conservative propaganda. Obama did the best thing in the world today. He had the opportunity to refute republican claims as they were made. He made republicans look like the immature ones. If the GOP doesn't start compromising now, the American people, at least the ones that aren't psychotic or racist, will see the republicans for what they are...career politicians, whose only concerns are to get re-elected.
Names not for the faint hearted!?
I think they are absolutely ridiculous. Indigo Frances is...fine...except Indigo is usually used as a boys name and Id like to keep it that way. Rosemary is fine. Isabelle Molly is nice too. Bottom line, three names is far to much when they are all so unusually. I feel bad for these children.
Where are all my contacts since I lost my other yahoo mail addy?
I'm back again at sqaure one but I'd love to have all you as my contacts again. If you know who you are then just let me know and I'll add you. Thanks and God Bless you.
What Does It Mean To Draw The Same Cards As Your Boyfriend In A Card Game?
Recently in a card game, my boyfriend and I drew the same hand of cards. It was a jack, a seven, a four and and ace. Our cards were even in the same order and this was after the deck being shuffled and dealt. It was very strange to me and was also on new years eve. I have been dying to know what it means. I am a very superstitious person and to me this was a very strange sign or something.
What pc tools do i need for my pc optimization?
Check out Ad-Aware 2007 (or 2008 or 2009) and Spybot. They are some amazing programs and if you look hard enough, you can find them for free. They have saved me from reformatting many, many times.
I need the zthis pword for scott pilgrim!!! please.. help.?
i need the pword from zthis.com ..... i need it to unlock Scott Pilgrimvs the world... please.... if it works, I'll give you best answer.. :D
What is your favorite book (nonfiction)?
I love to read books on theoritcal physics, phylosophy, anything that boggles the mind anything good out there?
Titans Beating storm 18-6?
They have a good chance to win the comp certainly. Although i thought that the storm would win, the titans is another strong team on my opinion.
I especially signed up to ask this question... PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!?
i had asked my family n friends 4 help, but i realy do need more opinions.. wel am a 19-year-old american guy n i've been livin in Haifa, Israel with my father since 4ever. i've known a palestinine girl 4 3 years til now. shez very cute n fun n am deeply in love with her n i know she loves me too. we had this kind of serious relationship n we discussed marriage several times. wel i talked 2 my father about this thing n he totaly agreed as long as i love her, but it was so different with her. when she told her parents about our relationship, they exploded and ordered her 2 end things up with me. i couldn't figure it out, so i talked 2 her father, but he blew up tellin me 2 forget his daughter and that he didn't want a blonde american dog 2 ruin their lives. i stil dun get how i can ruin the life of my beloved. anyway, whatz really worryin me that the girl is hesitatin and somehow movin away. i dunna what 2 do n am even considerin islam just 2 get the girl. i need help WHAT SHOULD I DO?!
Who has only ever had with their husband?
I've only ever been with my husband. We've been together for 8 years and it's never been a problem with us.
Nba most overatted players?
Comparing MJ to Kobe is like comparing L. Ron Hubbert to Jesus, the fakeshow were a .500 team who couldn't beat PHX in the first round till they drafted Andrew Bynum and pulled a Louisiana purchase on the Grizzlies for Gasol. Kobe, like A LOT of great players couldn't win without that inside presence, that's why MJ is and forever will be the GOAT.
Who sings this song?
Here are some lyrics: Tick tock tick tock shorty look at my watch look at my watch, hey tick tock tick tock baby time is money but honey i get alot
Diagnosis on my Achilles. What should i do?
i went to the doctor because i had been having pain in my achillies. They told me i have a problem in my achilles called os trigonum posterior impingement. My doctor wasnt clear about how long it would be until it goes away, if it ever will. I was wondering how long it would take for it to heal and if theres anything i can do in the meantime to help it heal quicker.
How do i read this soccer box score?
Olathe South had 6 in the first half and 7 in the second half. in total 13 the whole game while Maize only had 2 in the second half and none in the first.
Do I have to pay the congestion charge for Brighton to St Georges Hospital, Tooting?
The congestion charge covers an area of somethiong like less than 5% of London so you are extremely unlikely to go into the zone unless you travel right in to the centre of London - if you cut across from the A23 in the Norbury/Streatham kind of area you are still at least five miles away from the Southern edge of the zone. Its all very clearly signposted
What would u grade the Lions 2011 Draft Cl 1 by 1 and overall?
I agree Detroit had the No. ! draft, bet you guys don't miss McMillan, they had several wide outs he could have taken!! LOL I think my Saints were #2. I dread playing Suh and Fairley, I hope we sit Brees for that game!
Any tips for staying awake throughout the day after an all-nighter?
I needed to pull an all-nighter last night but now I have to get through the school day. when I get home I can't fall asleep because that'll just mess up my sleep for tonight. so do any of you have any advice for not falling asleep during cl/keeping myself awake and semi-functional?
The upholstery in my BMW is coming off?
I have a 2002 BMW 325ci and was wondering what i could use to fix the fabric on the roof of the car, in the back right section, there is a drooping piece or fabric and i was wondering what kind of glue or adhesive i could use to fix it?
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Is this a good pokemon team for candice in snow point?
watch gabite and starapter, otherwise, it is good.Use infernape and lucario the most pokerus is a virus that allows ev training.ot bad at all
If we want to stop illegal immigration why doesn't the US instead go after companies that hire illegals?
Exactly. I have yet to hear why this is not being enforced. Why pull innocent people over just to find out if they are guilty.
Please help.... Im lost. Please give me ur opinions? 10 points?
That does sound confusing. Is he stringing you along, I can't say yes or no, considering you were the one telling him no, based on plans and work. It sounds as though he's probably "getting the hint" and is backing off.
Officer/cadet relationships?
Are relationships permitted between cadets and commissioned officers? I've looked through the regulation from the corresponding service that governs it (US Air Force, AFI 36-2909) and it does not state anywhere that such relationships are not allowed. Clarification?
Only LDS(Mormons): Problem with ual Morality, Can you help me?
sounds like you were involved in what is known as 'petting' which is deemed worthy of a confession to your priesthood leader. you don't need to go into detail, just say you were involved in petting. because of the psychological power the church has over your feelings you will probably feel much better if you confess.
Regumate to calm stallion?
It may help to keep him away from mounting your mares if you put a little vicks vapor rub under his nostrals.
Whats that green thing?
a href="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/U.S._Army_Ranger%2C_2nd_Battalion%2C_75th_Ranger_Regiment_providing_Overwatch_in_Iraq_2009.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co…/a
I am a straight woman but I love the beauty of women?
I feel your pain! Me too. I love to watch pretty women. Enjoy it. It is one of life's wonders. I am male though but just the shapes and how they walk...wow!
Plot Question about the Movie "Deliverance"?
In the movie, Jon Voight's character scales a cliff to stalk the toothless Mountain Man he'd encountered earlier. When he manages to kill a man with an arrow, he quickly examines his victim's mouth, and finds that the man HAS TEETH. He whimpers "no!" a few times, as if he realized that he's killed the wrong man. It can't be the same man from the scene, unless he had dentures. Did Drew really get shot, or did Lewis say that for "drama"? Some viewers say that you can hear a gunshot over the noise of the rapids, if you listen carefully. (I can't).
Should i screw my friend lyk he tried to screw me?
ok im gna make dis short n leave sum bits out. i lent quite a bit to ma frend tym ago. he neva wants to pay n has all dese dum *** excuses. so one day wen we linked i walked of wiv hiz phone n said if u want it bak pay muvafuka. wen i say dis i mean i aksed 4 it n he gav it 2 me so techinacaly itz not sotlen. n den i found out wer he lives. i alredy knew wer he wasfrom. so i went round n he gav a lil bit n said he wil giv da rest sooon. wateva man. wen he pays all ov it im gna therten n say giv me 10 evry
I wanna fell in love again!!! buh its not hapenin..... even iv tried... wat 2 do?
Try looking for someone that meets your qualities. I know that there are cute people out there, but just because they're looking good, it doesn't mean that person actually meets your qualities. Although dating usually takes time to find people, it doesn't always pair them with the right person. Just don't make the same mistake I making. I'm currently dating someone with a disability and I'm secretly NOT satisfied with it. Every time I date these kind of people, they intend to NOT meet my qualities and I intend to get bored with them. Anyways, the person you date should always be there for you whenever you need them, they have to have value, and they have to be worth your time and worth the wait. I've had my boyfriend not always be around when I needed him, he's also stood me up (especially at the last minute), he's given me soda despite the fact that I didn't want one, and copied the pages from the wrong textbook when I wanted it from another one. He's also told me that he wanted me to hang out with him one day, and then when the day the spend time together came, he blew me off at the last minute and I was upset and after waiting for an hour, I decided I couldn't wait any longer so I went home to calm down only for me to walk my brother's dog, but only because I wanted to clear my mind. He's also showed up at my home unannounced (which I later told a friend about) and it was pretty disruptive, especially despite the fact that I didn't expect any company. He also gets me excited for nothing. The advice that I'm about to give you is don't ever date someone who's a bit of a screw-up. They are just bound to let you down. Any person would be lucky to date you. Dating someone usually doesn't guarantee marriage. I hope you find the right person.
Is bigotry best understood in terms of moral perspectives psychological sociological or biological perspective?
Given the links between psychology and sociology in this regard, both perspectives can be useful in examining bigotry. Specific incidents may be better understood using one perspective over the other, but it needs to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Rate and fix my Volcanic Deck.?
your deck looks good and there are some good combos, but 1 combo that you can't have is painful choice because it is banned unless you are in traditional format you can't use that card but your deck is good i give it a 9/10 and thats unusual for me. i would get those fire guards those are extremely good and try to get rid of maybe, of what am i kidding this is a really good deck.
2001 Pontaic Grand Am Overheating?
I have a 2001 Pontaic Grand Am with a little over 118,000 miles on it. For the past months now, it has been overheating and running out of antifreeze. I am haven't noticed any severe leakage anywhere and just recently had my radiator flushed and filled by mechanics and they didn't notice anything unusual either. I am running out of options. I keep having to pour more antifreeze into it and it still overheats. I had the thermostat checked and the water pump and they checked out okay also. Please helpppppppp. Thank you.
Do you think i can play baseball?
Okay, so about 2 months ago, i had a baseball practice with lots of throwing. My dad said i was throwing the wrong way. So, when i threw it as hard as i could, i got a fracture on the humerus. We thought it was a muscle strain so we just kept putting heat on it and i played a little, but not as much. (maybe like 2 innings every 2 games.) After it didn't get better for about a month, i got an MRI and it said i had a little crack in my humerous. My doctor said i shouldn't play in the State tournament. But it was a fracture this whole time. I played a whole season of baseball. It didn't get much worse, in fact, it got a little better. What i dont understand is, If it didn't make things worse when i played a whole season, how is it gonna make a difference if i play 4 games?! And give the entire summer to rest it! The states are the 1st week of July and my arm still hurts, but i have been playing through the pain for the past 2 months. Will it do much harm if i just play a couple games?
(trivia)Can you fill in the blanks and tell me what show this is from?
"One fine day with a woof & a purr, a baby was born and it caused a little stir, no blue buzzard, no 3-eyed frog, just a ____-____, a little ______. ______, ______, alone in the world is a little ______! Out on the road, or back in town, all kinda critters puttin' ______ down. Gotta rise above it, gotta try to get along, gotta walk together gotta sing this song, ______, ______, alone in the world is a little ______! ______ (______) ______ (______). Alone in this world is a little ______!"
Help with some homework please?
An Rh- mother delivers her first child, who is Rh+. That baby is fine, but the second child, who is also Rh+, is severely anemic at birth and requires an immediate transfusion. What is wrong with baby #2, and why was baby #1 not affected?
Help me i need help!?!?
Please give me examples of positive degree of adjectives!!?
please give me examples of positive, comparative, and superlative degree because i need it for my ignment and please give as many as you can because i need 60 sentences its ok if its not that many but please give as many as you can!!
Law Enforcement officers opinions please?
So I am a law abiding citizen that occasionally carries a gun legally with a firearms license. I am the son of a retired Captain of Fort Lauderdale PD and have asked him the same question and now I want your advise. When adrenaline starts flowing when your going from 0-60 in a HIGHLY STRESSFUL situation, lets say in a fight OR gunfight where you know you may be hurt, you instantly have to make a decision weather to pull the trigger or not. There is NO training on the planet that makes you able to adapt to that kind of situation, weather it be qualifying on the range or at the Police Academy training. Unless you take an adrenaline shot during training which I'm sure 99 % of you haven't. I know the department and the state attorney will most likely be on your side when it comes to an officers shooting but my question is the decision you make prior to all this. Adrenaline takes over all senses the bodies decision (brain) gives off. Whats your opinion on this..All answers will be seriously taken into account. Thank you.
How will the physicists at the Large Hadron Collider observe the collisions?
There are six detectors. How exactly are these detectors going to observe and gather information from the collisions? What technology is being used? Surely it can't be light, as light is too big compared to the particles to observe them (or is light not?)
What song did USHER sing at the 2010 grammy's with jimmie fox who were introduced by robert downy jr.?
Well, Jamie Foxx sang Blame It with T-Pain and then Usher sang Earth Song with 4 other artists. Earth Song is a Michael Jackson song and Blame it(on the alcohol) is a song that Jamie Foxx sings, featuring T-Pain. But I don't recall them singing together. Hope this helps!
Translation from French to English?
" Our engagement" Not to make you wait more than 2 minutes beyond the intervals posters and more than 5 minutes beyond the hours affichees. center bus of belliard 29, rue belliard- 75018 Paris Monday at Friday, 8:30 has 17:30 (except bank holidays) 01 58 76 16 16 Ways in of France, Schedules and tariffs Subway, drunk the RER, Tram 08 92 68 77 14 (0,34 Euro/mn)
Should I kick my 17 year old son out for good? Advice please!!?
Came home early last week from work and found my girlfriend of three months half dressed (40) and my son (17) all cuddled up on my damn couch together. I started yelling and she ran out. I was so mad that I told him not to say a word to me, because I knew if he said anything stupid to me that I was going to probably back hand him, and I don’t believe in hitting my kid. I told him to get a bag packed and I called his mom and took his keys and dropped him off to her. It was probably about two hours after I dropped him off that he started calling my phone crying pretty badly. I found out later that his mom laid a belt whipping on his behind for his actions. He just kept on saying that he was sorry and he wanted to come back home. Sadly, I didn’t even feel sorry for him. And as for that b**** of women. I tried to call the cops to press charges against her, but they said that at age 17 he was legal age to consent. Which is total bull to me, at 17 I still have to tell him to do his homework and to make his damn bed, legal age…crap! (Also his mom saw this woman on the street and beat the crap out of her…my ex-wife is crazy.)Anyways, now I have the decide if I’m going to let him back in my house or make him move to his mom’s were I know that are going to be a hell of a lot harder on his a** than I am. I mean I have worked hard to move him to an upscale neighborhood, private school, he doesn’t have to work, I bought him a new car, and anything he asks me for I get him. I have never wanted him to be label white trash like I was when I was younger. I’m just crushed right now… I just can’t believe he did this to me! Any advice?
ANY IDEAS?? HLPPP, 10 points best answer?
me and my friends are gonna try 2 pull a all nighter so wht do we do to keep busy and hyper?? so far we have popcorn, ice cream and cheese doodles and ice (we put it down our shirt), so yeahh help!!!
What are some good resources for quitting Marijuana smoking?
its gonna be really hard for you to go cold turkey, ive been on a steady slow down for a couple months now. You just have to lose interest in it and isolate yourself from having the opportunity to do it (i.e. dont keep a stash, delete your dealers number, have your friends not allow you to). Not that i'm advocating this but a cigarette a day i think has helped me cut back on weed a lot. It has kinda been balancing the addictions, while slowly cutting back on both for me. Just think you dont have to be high to have a good time and you are saving a LOT of money by not smoking. Sure everything seems more interesting and fun, and it probably is, but you don't need it. I'm pretty much down to weekends only now and even that is subsiding, its something you just grow out of
Is this story any good so far?
WOAH. ive learned from personal experience that long things dont get as many answers... but... it seems good enough, in the beginning... but, i rly rly hate those books, but alot of people love them. from the beginning, i read a few paragraphs and it looks like a book sorta like clique? i think books like, fictional(non realistic) maybe fantasy (alot of people enjoy it when the characters have powers)... i dont know, its okay-ly(sorry its not a real word) written. come on, is not spelled common wich means like frequent. stuff like that. idk
White Men Dating/Marrying Minority Women? Opinions?
Recently I had to write a research paper on IRs and discovered that Asian female and white male relationships are steadily becoming the most common pairing in several large states. However, statistically speaking, latinas are married to white men at the highest rate nationally. While the number of Black women married to white men has trippled over the last ten years. In Shakespeare's "Dark Lady Sonnets" he proclaims "Black is beauty's successive heir."Are white men abandoning the idea of the aesthetically "superior" white woman in favor of darker beauties?I surveyed white males at my university for their views of white women and 64% of them felt white women were portrayed as the ideal beauties in order to promote the continuation of the white race, not b/c its ever been true? I also surveyed white womenon campus and most of them aggreed that they were placed on a pedestal to ensure the birth of more white males and minority women were left out in order to discourage miscegenation.
Songs like "im yours" "hey soul sister" "billionare" "stay the night" "1973" "here comes the sun"?
If you like The Beatles(p.s. they are the best band ever!) you might want to try John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. Also The Fray has really good mellow music. The Fray;a href="http://www.playlist.com/playlist/14834984459" rel="nofollow"http://www.playlist.com/playlist/1483498…/a
Does anyone know whats wrong with me, plz help?
for the past few months i have suffered constipation, then i was having chest pain, pain in my lungs, headaches, difficulty swallowing and now my teeth are so sensitive, im sure i have tooth erosion, i feel so miserable. i just don't feel myself.
So my best friend is leaving and moving to FlORIDA?
Sorry that you he has to leave just when you guys are getting to know each other. But true friends can withstand any long distance. Whether it be regular phone calls, instant messaging or snail mails. There are a whole list of communicating and if your friendship really means alot to the both of you then this move won't affect you two's friendship. Maybe you guys could visit each other during the holidays or something. True friends stick by each other no matter what and this is just one of the many obstacles friends around the world have to face. Well hope all works out. And while he is still around spend as much time as you can with him. Do stuff you guys love doing together. Hope you guys have fun.
I need to know what is wrong with me. I have a cyst the size less than a marble in my rectum which itches and?
What should I do. This is truly odd for me and it is driving me nuts and I'm nervous over this . I truly would appreciate some good advice and what this might be.
How can i develop/rekindle my work ethic? (10 Points!)?
After school these days i can never seem to get much homework or studying done. I just can't seem to motivate myself to work hard after school even though i still get pretty good grades i could be doing better. Its just that i usually dont get around to starting my work until late at night, and by then i am lethargic and too tired to accomplish much. Please Help, any suggestions would be useful!
What is a good Comeback to someone calling you gay?
People say im gay cause I kinda have a lisp and sorta of a high pitch could I change this and how can i come back with a good comeback
Why do people seem to think they can change reality by being optimistic?
Do they not realize that deluding yourself only changes your perception of reality, and doesn't change anything in actuality?
What would be an ideal daytime job for a vampire hunter?
since the person is a vampire hunter he should have a job that doesn't involve a lot of other people and only works the day shift. i imagine him a pretty busy guy at nights because of his business and might want to look around for clues or battle strategies to beat the vampires so you should make him be a decommissioned soldier, but i think it would be more interesting if you make him a lazy part time worker it's your choice.
Where did the energy come from to create the big bang?
Don't you understand, laws of physics didn't exist until after the big dud, er..uh, I mean, big bang. Then, after that, the laws suddenly came into being all by themselves. It sounds strange, I know. But you've got to forget everything you were taught in high school because once you get into college they show you the real science they don't show everyone else. Trust me.
Odds of randomly/blindly being able to choose 10 numbered coins in numerical order?
Hi! I need the expertise of a mathematician on this question please ... if I have 10 coins marked from one to ten each, put them a hat, and shake them around, what are the odds I would (without looking) be able to pull each coin out in exact numerical sequence? I know that my chances of pulling out coin #1 on the first try would be one in ten (just a simple layer of the equation). But what are the chances of getting them all in order? Is it one in a million? Billion? More? I'm not sure how the multiplication would work on this. I'll later explain why I need the statistic (it's pretty cool, actually -- for a teaching project). If any brilliant person out there could let me know how to calculate this answer, I'd appreciate it!! A detailed explanation would be extra helpful. Thanks. : )
Alright, I even hate asking this, or thinking about it, but I have a dog nearing her time here with me & I know there is nothing more I can do for her,or any vet for that matter. It is just breaking my heart. As I sit here I am about in tears. I have only had to do this one other time, but he was my daughter's dog.Kind of like my own though since they lived in my home & I provided for him.This may sound like a stupid question, but can you tell me how can I lessen the pain I have to endure when I decide to take that last trip to the vet with her? Of course I will stay by her side through the proceedure no matter how bad it will break my heart. Thank you all so much for any answers.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Who ia you favortie TNA knockout and wrestler?
Mine are Jeff Hardy,Mr Anderson,RVD,Krurt Angle,The Blueprint,Sting,Eric, Knockouts Velvet Sky,Ms.Tessmocker,Tara. Lol I am sooo bored!!!!
When does Sally find out that her daughter Sophie and her friend Sian are s on coronation street?
On Coronation street when does sally webster find out her daughter Sophie webster and her friend Sian are s!?
I have searched on ebay but cant find them.....PUG 306...?
i have a 306, and you could buy the part, but colour coding them is a much easier option, as you will wait a long time to find them in the right colour. Its not too expensive to get them coded at a professional bodyshop, or if you want to know how to do it yourself (or anything else pug 306 related) join my forum ( www.pug306.net ) theres over 10 thousand members, one of them will be able to help you out!!
Nike shoe help please? 20 characters?
I NEED a pair of "Nike air Griffey Max 1 Volt". The Royal blue and green colorway or the grey and marina blue colorway. More preferably the Royal blue but either way I need these shoes. Everywhere I check they're out or are not even shown. Even foot action, Foot locker, east-bay or champs doesn't have them. Also I need them in a kids size 5. The best answer is rewarded with 10 points!
Husband tooo ignorant...?
If his parents have cut him off financially, then just let reality hit him. There's no other way. Once you go to the hospital and he tries to use his insurance and you're not covered, let him deal with the headache of trying to figure everything out. Go to a hospital where they cannot refuse to see you and let them slap him with a bill. Once something like this happens it becomes sooo much easier for us to see what you've been saying all along. This needs to happen before the baby comes along though, otherwise you'll be stuck raising two babies.
What do you think of Chihuahuas? Cute or Ugly?
My family think they are ugly looking rats that are snappy. I think they are adorable! I'm getting a male chihuahua pup tomorrow. What do you think of them? cute or ugly?
Government trying to kill us off as too many living in uk?
A woman i work with has been telling everyone that our government is trying to kill people off by putting chemicals into the air. She explains that's why people are sick all the time. She also says that they put a certain chemical around the inside of tins of beans and various other tinned food. Cigarettes are another thing she tells us are altered with. This woman is quite pessimistic and is quite depressing to be around. Everyone at work says its a load of deluded nonsense and to ignore her but she keeps going on about it. She says that no one harldy knows about it because nobody cares whats happening. She tells me to google it, but i don't think i want to! I think i'm happy being ignorant to all of this. Is this true, partly true, or is this woman loosing it?
I have a 1998 Navigator, 4Wheel Airbags. The rear bags are bottomed out. The front never changes.?
The Compressor Runs, Just Puts a very small amount of air out. The front bags Havent changed since I bought the vehicle a week ago, But the rear bags wont pump up. I can turn the key on, and the Solenoids click, An the compressor runs, Just wont pump up. Anyone tell me any problems or where to start on this?
Pagans occultists theosophists etc - why did all peoples used to think that they are siblings of the Gods?
I have to agree with Nekhtet- most of your post is too tered to really make heads or tails of it. Yes, many religions felt as tho they were connected to the gods, and some religions did have a form of demigod (such as the pharoah being the living form of Heru). However, from what I've read, there wasn't really an "elite" few that were the sons of gods, perhaps what you're reading is meant ot be read figuratively, and not literally.
How can i eat healthy (teen)?
so im not fat not even chubby, just wanting to tone up,get in shape,and be more healthy. i realize i need to eat healthy to lose some wieght so mu muscles are visible,but my family really eats all processed food. we dont eat out much.i only drink water. but what are some healthy alternatives to snack on.i usually eat ice cream, or little debbie snacks for snacks . also what are some alternatives to running for cardio?
My female GSD has a skin issue? I don't know what it is?
I agree with the food thing, especially wheat grains can cause skin irritation. since it's between her legs where she can't lick, if it seems to be causing her discomfort or itching her you can put a little bit of a human cream (itch cream or pain cream) on it to relieve the discomfort. just make sure to watch her and make sure that she doesn't paw at it and then lick her paws.
3 year old female rat lost weight?
Ive got a 3 year old female rat who has been living without a cagemate for about 5 months and shes not looking too well. She can no longer walk up the ramps to get to her food dish/water bottle, and she feels a little "bony". her fur looks fine, but again, she looks a little bony, and feels a little "dead", cant really explain it very well. I know that shes 3 years old, quite old for a female rat, but I dont want to do nothing and feel bad when something happens to her because of my inaction. Ive moved all her food and water down to the bed of the cage, and moved her tube home so she can get in and out of it easier, but she just lies out in the open where I left her. Is there anything I can possibly do for her?
My friend wants a nickname?
so my friend brigette wants a nickname, but i don't know what to use... she likes soccer (like obsessive) she's kinda short but i can't call her shorty cuz that's my nickname... help?
Where is the bestest most awesomest place you have had a hickey?
i am gonna get 1 soon and we both wanna make sure its awesome... no awnsering plz.... cuz i am not doing tht anywhere else is fine but i dont think my bf will do tht atm!
Could I join the Amerikan military?
I am an Amerikan immigrant. I am from Germany, I came here when I was 35. I served 15 years in the German Army Aviator Corps. My question is would I be able to join Amerikan military? I am now a permanent U.S. resident.
Is this a good combination for my stock 350ci engine?
Edelbrock preformer air-gap intake manifold, edelbrock performer 600cfm carburetor,edelbrock performer plus cam and lifter kit, Sanderson headers, magnaflow exhaust. All this is going on my stock 30 cubic inch engine, is this a good combination? approximately how much horse power will it have with these mods? the engine is going in my 1968 Chevy c-10, and it is going to be a daily driver.thanks, Ryan
Tumblr URL ideas, please?
So I want to reblog just the vintage dreamy hipster photos I like, and I want a slightly hipster URL. I don't want it too long. please help, thanks
Why does my eyes' iris have 2 colors?
I have the same thing, my eyes are hazel. They're green with a brown rim and some brown specks. Eyes aren't just one pure color. They always have a mixture of darker and lighter shades of one color, or another color entirely.
Chad Ochocinco or Brandon Marshall?
Thats an easy question. Ocho all the way. If your thinking about the 540 yard, 4 td season last year, forget about that. He is focused, happy & healthy this year, 3 things he was NOT last year. On top of that, Carson Palmer is back. 1400 yards, 9tds for chad this year. And really that was his normal numbers before last year anyway. Now Marshall has red flags all over him. A bad QB, a system he has refused to learn, etc. I actually traded Marshall for his teammate Eddie Royal & Reggie Bush. Marshall will have the type of year that Chad had last year, so take the receiver on the rebound.
Is this what she meant by "Things don't feel right"?!?
No, after all those changes you have made, if you go back to being her friend you may go back to the same patterns and habits you are trying to break. She was right to leave you, you used her for and made her feel like she was worthless, what you really need to do if you've found God, is go to her and ask for her forgiveness and list what you did wrong to hurt her. Then walk away and don't look back, that part of your life is behind you now.
Is it normal to fantasize about killing your work colleagues?
If so, how do most people envision the murder happening? With a gun? An axe? Is it usually a m killing spree all in one afternoon, or do people prefer to pick their colleagues off one by one over the course of a few weeks or months?
Which of these five reasons best describes why its just bafoonery for Obama to have terrorists tried in NY?
Obama is doing this on purpose, this way the Terrorist have a better chance of getting off or a lighter sentence, he is doing it on purpose because he is a coward, and is still appeasing the enemies, and they might decide to take back his undeserved Nobel Prize for doing nothing.
Does ANYONE HATE EGGS LIKE I DO?? They are sooooo nasty?
i really badly hate and despise everything about eggs. my boyfriend thinks im so very weird but i really cant help it. i used to eat them along time ago but one day just started hating them and now they repulse me. everything i buy i have to look at the ingredients on the box if it has eggs, i wont buy it. i was cooking dinner last nite had the hamburger meat cooked and everything was cooking ham helper, looked on the box it had eggs in it. i put the meat in the fridge (for something the next day) and changed my whole supper plan. i really hate this. it almost controls my life because almost nothing doesnt have eggs. anyone like this? please dont call me ocd if i could help it i would, just wondering if im alone here? lol
Has it really gotten that bad?
I asked a question about stopping killings and shootings, and the answers were very disheartening. I asked it in the P&S and Law enforcement categories and most of the answers that I got were, "Just Move" or "Nothing you can do" Do people really believe that? I mean, isn't there any good left in this world?!?!?!
Anywhere to watch Michigan State basketball games online?
Is there anywhere I can watch Michigan State University basketball games online, or any sites in general where you can watch college basketball games where I might find the MSU games... sick of watching the box score update when they're not televised in my area. Thanks!
What Olay body wash makes your skin feel moisturized, smooth, and looks glowing and radiant?
I pefer the oil of olay with ribbons-However depending on the depth of cracks you might want to try witch hazel,on elbows and hands and peppermint foot lotion for the feet.Apply the foot cream prior to bed wear socks in 3-4 days your feet should show a great improvement.Good luck I hope this helpful-you could also use the old fashion version of vasaline/bagbalm applied prior to bed-see what works for you
I feel like im being taken advantage of?
Thats crazy i have 2 bros just like that! Do what my bro in law does he only puts enough gas for what hes gonna do! So just always have it near empty and they will be forced to put gas! Wont solve everything but its a start!
Batman vs Hulk?
Now I know Hulk would crush Iornman like a tin can, and nethier of Bats or Iornmans toys would work on Hulk, but Bats has something stark doesn't 1000x times of training and different skills in almost ever thing, I would image Batman would try to talk to the Hulk and calm the Hulk down, something i can't see Iornman doing and witch might give batman a chance but i don't know. who do you think would win?
Maybe twisted my knee got some questions?
Ok so I was playing softball and i was catching. I dove for a ball and my foot went one way and my knee the other. So pretty much my knee twisted and I heard a pop. About a year ago I tore my acl on that same knee and I had surgery but I was released and all and everything was back to normal. I don't think I tore anything. Well hopefully not. But does that seem like a twisted knee to you? And if so what do I need to do and how long does it usually take to go back to normal?
Marriage, infidelity & ?
Memorial weekend my husband told me he had been having an affair that ended badly. He realized that I am his soul mate & we're working on strengthening our marriage. I want to work this out as I believe he is a good person, he just made a bad mistake. Before I found out about the affair, I was aware that he frequently visited web sites. I don't have a problem with that either. However, my 11 year old granddaughter also uses our home computer and I wanted to monitor what she was doing so I frequently checked the history on the computer. She is 1/2 African American & 1/2 Caucasian. I found a site that was entitled "Black teen girls" which was a site. I've asked my husband about it last night, knowing that he had this affair & knowing that he visits sites. I told him that I'd kill him if he ever touched her. He blew up at me and is now barely speaking to me. When I asked him what's on his mind he said "you do not want to know." He pretty much has clammed up. He is not related biologically to my granddaughter. She is definitely starting to develop. Should I have not addressed this with him? Before all this, I did inquire with my granddaughter about Google searches & black teens. I did not tell her what the search was for. She denied it saying it would be racist to put "black" girls when searching. Any comments, suggestions would be appreciated. I already feel horrible about the affair - I want to believe my husband - what would you do?
I asked my husband for help with the kids, why was he such a jerk?
Wow, sounds like your husband is taking you for granted. Id move out for a little while and see how he handles being alone. Don't divorce, just separate for a little bit. Go to counseling together. I hope you get some time for yourself.
Could somebody explain to me how Christianity isn't responsible for a large part of phobia in the US?
maybe it is .. but then again maybe its just a way of trying to make people feel guilty for not liking an aberrant lifestyle ..
Monday, January 2, 2012
Do the trains in Rome run all night?
I am planning on spending my honeymoon in Italy this fall, we'll be spending a few days in Rome and the traveling down the coast by train, but on the last day we need to stay fairly close to da vinci airport because we have a morning flight, I'm wondering if the trains/subways/busses run all night because I will be staying in the center of Rome the night before my flight (can't afford the airport hotel!) and want to get there on time.
What are your opinions on this?
a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090106/ts_alt_afp/ustransportairsecuritymuslimsrights_090106002219"http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090106/ts_…/a
Is Dame Edna very popular in Australia?
We love Dame Edna . She is a real Aussie Icon. Barry Humphries [alias Dame Edna] certainly is a genius have you seen him play Les Pattison as well. Haven't seen him on TV in Australia for sometime but I guess he is busy overseas. Yes Dame Edna certainly gives us all a laugh. I wouldn't call him a drag queen just an excellent actor playing a superb role
To what degree is fear of intimacy evident in gay male relationships?Are our libidos detatching us from the...
...prospect of wanting, our realzation of wanting, a long-term, loving relationship? The dynamic of is quicker, easier and more 'disposable' in gay male relationships because biologically, societally we are the 'hunters' ually, not the caring 'nurturers'. Do you agree?
Is the report below really true?
A friend says he picked up a copy of USA Today in which the soccer correspondent complained that the World Cup competition had been unfair to England, Paraguay and Sweden. These teams, he reported, had had to play Trinidad and Tobago on the same day, whereas no other teams had to play more than one match a day.
If I mix blood with milk, would the resultant solution have a pH of 0 given milk has a pH of 6.6, blood 7.4?
I figure since blood has a pH of 7.4 and milk has a pH of 6.6, combining the 2 should put the pH at 7.0 (neutral - neither acidic or alkaline). Does it work this way? Is it that simple and if not, why not?
What are my chances of getting into USC?
I am a Junior in high school. I have all A's right now except for in Greek and Rhetoric. I have a C in greek, and a high B in Rhetoric. I really want to get into USC to major in film scoring. I have been a part of several different locally known bands, in which I have played guitar, banjo and piano. I sing and write and am currently working to get an Album out under the aid of a World famous christian artist. I have played at dozens of events through the years, including working as the pianist for an upscale steakhouse for a year, and am currently playing at different restaurants with guitar and voice. I have been home schooled 9th-10th grade and am now in a private organization called "Veritas." All I want is to get into USC, I can figure out how to supply the money. What do I need to do and what are my chances of acceptance?
well being saved is supposed to be a start. technically, you can't be removed, but God won't be happy if you go back to being worldly. being saved isn't an automatic ticket. you have to prove you deserve it by doing all those things. but God isn't going to take you out of the book because you're doing SOME worldly things. everyone's a sinner. i know plenty of Christians that do not so good things, but they're great people. and yeah, God said that he'd rather have you be totally opposed to Him than not be able to decide. i like your use of the verse.
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