Monday, January 2, 2012

I have future dreams i even know names before i meet them?

I have had lots of future dreams.. I was a schoolteacher and dreamed of a new student walking down the hall and the aide introducing him to me..she told me his name .. one week later happened exactly as I had dreamed ...I already had dreamed his name and his clothes even down to his birthmark.. ..strange… I knew his name and knew he was coming before I met him.... I dreamed icq 20 years before I came out. I saw myself typing on a tv screen and I new I was talking to someone. I couldn’t figure out how I was talking on a tv and never new what was going on till 20 years later when I was typing on icq and the box to type in popped up and I knew that was my dream... I saw a car wreck and told my friend if she hits a pole let go of the wheel and cover her face… because in my dream everything was ok but where the windshield broke it cut her face all up.. the following week she hit a telephone pole.. covered her face as I said and now her hands are all scared not her face.. I have dreamed of the future several different times... it was very clean.. Holograms are everywhere. there is a waterfall at a mall.. it is beautiful and mist comes off and sound.. it is at least three stories tall .. there is seating all around it.. but it is a another future dream I go to the track to run .. I push a panel on wall and all the walls turn into the scene I picked... I pick ocean scene in my dream it is very nice.. they had lots of scenes to pick from...I see no cell phones in the future... I don’t know what they are using.. I see no electric poles.. and one weird thing is everything is gl the walls of the whole mall are gl and everything in the future is clean .. I mean the air and the outside me the year 2009 looks almost like the old west would have looked to someone today it looks very dirty..if that makes sense...the future is clean...i have hundreds of future dreams.. couldn’t tell them all here…. anyone know whats going on

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